11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

6. Wolverine

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsCM Punk would make an awesome Wolverine - and he's the one truly big heroic character we genuinely think he could play in live action sooner rather than later, simply due to his looks and his "couldn't give a s**t" personality. Punk describes himself, in wrestling, as "the best in the world" and Wolverine is known for saying of himself "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice" - and you can just imagine Punk saying that. Aside from his powers and his claws, Wolverine's most prominent feature is undoubtedly his hair - in particular his mutton chops - and Punk has been known to have facial hair similar to that, making him visually similar in that respect as well. If Punk can get some acting experience and the likes of Dave Bautista impress Marvel with acting performances, why not have him in the running for potentially replacing Hugh Jackman when the Australian actor gives up the role? If not, a voice role as the iconic and rebellious X-Man would be worth a shot.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.