11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

5. Dracula

MarvelMarvelDracula, the Dark Prince, has a number of similarities to CM Punk and - perhaps quite importantly - the casting of Punk as the character in a live action comics book movie might actually, by default, be an improvement on the previous portrayal of the character. Blade: Trinity saw Dracula (or "Drake") portrayed by Prison Break's Dominic Purcell, in a role that was twisted somewhat from the classic depictions of the evil Count that we all know and love/hate. He was a formidable warrior, rather than the dark, mystic figure who weaves spells and hypnotises his foes in Marvel Comics - and CM Punk could potentially play a mixture of the two. He has that dark, creepy side that could depict the classic Count, but also the formidable fighter side that could modernise the character in to being more of a physical threat (he's got the classic widow's peak hairline too - something that is a Count Dracula trademark). Indeed, Punk has come out for dark matches wearing a Dracula mask in the past - a foreshadowing of things to come, perhaps? Probably not, but you never know...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.