11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

2. Christian Cage Adds A Turtle Neck

The Rock Final Boss

In case you needed reminding, Christian Cage is a wrestling genius.

Throughout the first stage of his AEW career, the former World Heavyweight Champion largely acted as a fairly standard mentor/father figure for 'Jungle Boy' Jack Perry. You knew where it was all leading to, with that inevitable stabbing in the back coming during June 15, 2022's Road Rager when Cage finally turned on his protégé.

But after this rather well executed heel turn and a properly shocking first promo planting the 'Patriarch' seed with his first of many dead father shots, the program was then ultimately dragged out way longer than it should have been due to Cage suffering an injury early on.

So, by the time Cage and Jungle Boy did actually collide in a match that lasted longer than 20-seconds, it's safe to say the whole thing had sadly cooled down somewhat and Christian didn't feel like quite as hot of a baddie as he did back when he initially pulverised the youngster with a conchairto. 

With something as simple as the wearing of a damn sleeveless turtle neck during their Revolution 2023 blow-off, though, Cage swiftly re-established himself as the biggest tosser in the building.

He'd then proceed to wrestle like a slimy weasel during that 'Final Burial' battle, and has continued to commit to both of those masterful tweaks during what has become a truly stellar villainous run as the 'Patriarch of AEW'. 


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...