11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

1. The Rock Becomes The Final Boss

The Rock Final Boss

There's no denying that The Rock's once golden schtick had finally grown a touch stale by the time he popped up on the Day 1 edition of Raw, with his ripping apart and beating down of Jinder Mahal while decked out in full Project Rock attire not exactly blowing the minds of anyone who'd watched him do the same to Austin Theory, Baron Corbin, and The New Day over the years.

And it was the idea of that phoned in version of The Rock potentially getting in the way of Cody Rhodes finishing his precious story which had folks feeling a tad frustrated coming into WrestleMania 40.

Sensing that the people definitely didn't want their supposed champion in that main event spot, though, Dwayne Johnson smartly decided to tweak his role in the story, taking his adored 'Hollywood Rock' gimmick and turning it up to eleven.

A 'Final Boss' was born, dropping the Under Armour and decking himself out in flamboyant vests - and occasionally the blood of an 'American Nightmare' - as Rock unleashed a level of intensity and, well, electricity wrestling viewers hadn't seen from him in a decade.

It may have taken a WWE Universe rejecting his planned babyface showdown against his cousin to get there, but had they not, the world would have never been treated to the foul-mouthed, unstable TKO board member version of Rock the people now simply cannot wait to see again.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...