11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

8. Logan Paul Finally Understands The Assignment

The Rock Final Boss

Some folks are just naturally unlikeable. 

That's the way it is. And no matter how hard Logan Paul fought against it after initially signing with WWE in 2022, his natural arrogance and status as a social media megastar made him the perfect heel for the WWE fanbase to hurl abuse at.

For the longest time, though, WWE and the cocky star himself insisted on trying to shove this confident hero gimmick down the throats of those watching on in the hopes they would somehow connect with this irritating, smug Impaulsive person.

They didn't, because the supposed babyface character was still one you wanted even the most dastardly heel to smack in the mug.

And after finally realising the experiment had well and truly failed, Paul smartly tweaked his persona in 2023 to that of a "360 degree entertainer" who was done looking for the approval of the fans - it wasn't his fault they didn't understand one of the most talented part-time performers of recent times was standing in front of them, you see.

He was still just as brash and annoyingly confident as ever, but now he was wisely leaning into the boos rather than trying to fight them.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...