11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

7. Austin Theory Joins Forces With A Fellow A-Hole

The Rock Final Boss

As a singles villain, Austin Theory was going nowhere fast.

Sure, he had the physique, the in-ring ability, and time on his side. But not even the company strapping rocket after rocket to his back could convince audiences this was a star destined for main event greatness.

Money in the Bank and John Cena victories couldn't mask the fact that Theory just didn't really boast enough charisma to keep an audience interested in whatever the hell he was doing. The promo delivery was dull, matches - though worked well enough - were often forgettable, and his overall presentation just screamed generic CAW.

In what eventually turned out to be a properly masterful tweak, though, a Triple H who clearly wasn't all that convinced by the Theory main event project either decided to throw him into a unit with then-recent NXT call-up Grayson Waller.

Alongside the gifted smack talker and effortlessly irritating Australian, Theory's go-away heat - or the even more painful sound of apathy - soon became genuinely aggravated reactions as the two helped out pal Logan Paul and butted heads with the likes of Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins heading into WrestleMania 40.

With a glorious slime-ball like Waller to bounce off, Theory has noticeably grown more confident as a heelish performer every week. And the pair walking out of the 'Show of Shows' as WWE Tag Team Champions - a villainous mid-match-win that was met with the perfect wave of heat - was yet more proof that this tweak from singles heel to tag team a-hole was a wise move.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...