11 Most Disappointing Things About WrestleMania 33

10. Seth Rollins Was Booked Like A Moron

Roman Reigns WrestleMania

It’s frustrating being a Seth Rollins fan, as he's indisputably one of the greatest in the world. His babyface turn was botched and he’s struggled with injuries for the better part of the last year.

WrestleMania 33 was supposed to be his crowning moment, when he vanquished his former puppet master and ascended into the upper echelon of top WWE babyfaces. And in a way, he did accomplish those things - he just looked like an idiot while doing so.

Seth’s behavior during his bout was some of the most illogical I’ve seen. At every turn Rollins did something that made him seem intellectually challenged. He comes into the match with a damaged knee, so of course his strategy is to do ONLY MOVES PUTTING PRESSURE ON HIS KNEE.

From high-risk maneuvers, to top rope dives, to the exact same move he injured it with last year, Rollins continued to put himself in harm’s way. That’s not “brave” or “gutsy”, nor is it compelling sotrytelling. It’s just flat out stupid.

The limitations placed on these two due to "the injury" kept this from being the classic it could've been, and I hope they run it back with the knee “fully healed” so they can have a full-blown match rather than a poorly-scripted dramatic performance centered around a hero who has apparently lost all use of his brain functions.

Speaking of matches not living up to the hype…


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.