11 Most Successful Ring Of Honor Alumni

4. Samoa Joe

Selected Career Accomplishments: 1 Time World Heavyweight Champion, 5 Time X-Division Champion, 1 Time Television Champion, 2 Time World Tag Team Champion (TNA); 1 Time World Champion & 1 Time Pure Champion (ROH) One of the most beloved and acclaimed wrestlers in the industry, Samoa Joe has been a force of nature in TNA ever since his debut in June 2005. He has been a mainstay in the promotion to this very day, becoming one of four Grand Slam champions. Joe's initial run in TNA was an 18 month-long undefeated streak which was only ended by Kurt Angle and his ankle lock. Before becoming part of the scenery in TNA, however, Joe wrestled for ROH from 2002 until 2005. He held their World Championship for a record 21 months and wrestled several storied rivalries with the number one person on our list, soon to be revealed (but we're sure you can all figure it out). Fans have often wondered if Joe would be a good fit in WWE or whether Vince McMahon would be interested in signing him. Joe did actually compete in WWE from 1998 to 2001 as a jobber, being used as cannon fodder for the established stars. Perhaps this counted against him in company officials eyes, as it is rare for someone to start as a jobber and then be given a contract (The Hardy Boyz being a notable exception). It's unlikely that Joe would be signed now, as he is 35 years old and so synonymous with TNA at this point, but he would have definitely been an asset to WWE earlier in his career.

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