11 Possible Reasons John Cena Is Leaving WWE

8. Burn Out

This reason is definitely something you could believe. John Cena has worked almost non-stop for a decade as WWE's franchise, with only the occasional injury or movie role getting him off the road. This year especially, he's been very active, both in the ring and on the road representing WWE in the corporate / media capacity. Maybe it has all caught up with him. It gets to a point with every overworked wrestler in history (Ric Flair, Kurt Angle) that they just eventually snap and need some down time. Perhaps Cena has hit that point, and WWE has acknowledged it and gave him necessary time off. However, from a quality stand point, he certainly doesn't look burned out. His match with Seth Rollins at Live From Madison Square Garden was outstanding. But that doesn't tell the backstage story, where Cena may well be exhausted.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.