11 Things We Learned From Breezango On Talk Is Jericho

8. Fandango Nearly Quit Pro Wrestling

Breezango Fashion Police

Another story from Fandango’s early years, this time from a little further down the line in his post-Portuguese Sun Dragon days.

During the early-to-mid 2000s, Fandango revealed he was going through a bit of a rut and had tried to put wrestling on the back-burner. He had a girlfriend, a relatively stable job doing roofing in Maine, and generally looked to be settling down with a life outside of the pro wrestling business.

Of course, it didn’t last long. The quiet life wasn’t the one for Fandango, and before long he found himself chucking his stuff into the car and driving down to McDonough, GA, where Deep South Wrestling was based at the time. ‘Dango just showed up and joined their night school, offsetting his outlay with a job at Applebee’s, earning $200 a week and crashing in his car before being taken in by Konnor (of Ascension fame).

It wasn’t all bad, though. Fully living up to his true carny roots, Fandango managed to snag his fair share of free grub during those Applebee’s shifts to make up for the measly pay check.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.