11 Ups & 2 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (14 Oct)

4. The Next Big Thing

Savannah Evans Lady Frost
IMPACT Wrestling

Savannah Evans is quickly being established as a big deal in IMPACT Wrestling, having been victorious in Knockouts Knockdown's Monster's Ball, and now handily defeating Lady Frost here. Next week, she'll be Deonna Purrazzo's handpicked opponent against Mickie James in James' first IMPACT match in six years, having been personally asked to do so by the 'Virtuosa' after her match.

She's at a safe point in her career.

Her match with Frost was what it needed to be. Of the little offence she got in, Lady Frost refrained from performing anything major. A strike here, a takedown there, but nothing too extravagant. Instead, Savannah treated this as a glorified squash match. Her strikes were packed with intensity, as both a big boot and lariat easily knocked Frost from her feet, while a Full Nelson slam would serve as her weapon of choice for the finish.

That IMPACT is already doing tremendous things with Savannah spells great things for her future. She likely won't defeat Mickie James next Thursday, but the match itself is a reason to trust IMPACT's process. The Scott D'Amore era of IMPACT has created many a new star, mind. She looked like an Awesome Kong-type in decimating Lady Frost.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.