12 Current WWE Stars Who Could Be Legends Reborn

8. Charlotte - Victoria

This one may ruffle a few feathers as it seems there€™s a vocal segment of the NXT fan base who is ready to christen Charlotte as the savior of women€™s wrestling who will usher in the dawn of a new era. But what most of these fans miss is that there just isn€™t that much interest in competitive female wrestling. While purists of the sport may want to see the ladies engaged in four star classics, WWE has conditioned their casual audience to view the women as Divas - nothing more than eye candy used to fuel reality show storylines. They€™ve presented these women as being incapable of genuine human emotions outside of lust, lunacy and jealousy and that€™s going to hinder someone like Charlotte who is the antithesis of that. Take Paige, for example: she was billed in NXT as the Anti-Diva, and then when she arrived on the main roster she was treated to the same nonsensical €œPG bi-curious frenemy€ angles that creative saddles all the other girls with. While Charlotte is undoubtedly an excellent worker between the ropes, she€™s thus far been a bland personality who doesn€™t have one iota of her father, Ric Flair€™s charisma. She€™s not going to be the next Trish Stratus or Lita €“ breakout female superstars who transcend their division. Instead she€™s probably destined to be the next Victoria: a great worker who has some of the best ladies matches ever seen while never rising much above mid-tier Diva in terms of popularity.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.