12 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Debuts In WWE History

5. Renegade

Sticking with the theme of fake versions of well-known wrestlers, let's look at the Ultimate Warrior clone that disappointed fans the world over upon his debut at 1995's Uncensored. Hyped routinely as "The Ultimate Surprise" by then-BFFs Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, it was all but a guarantee that WCW fans would soon see another defection from WWE, this time in the form of their favorite hyperactive, musclebound, rambling maniac. Only, when it was time for their big surprise guest to show his face, it was...not the Ultimate Warrior. He kinda looked like the Warrior (he had long hair and a painted face, and wore tassels around his arms) and kinda acted like the Warrior (he sprinted to the ring and did that weird arm pump thing), but there was no mistaking that this was not the man who had an on-again/off-again relationship with The Hulkster in WWE. This left most fans thoroughly confused. Billed as "the Renegade," Richard Wilson went on a three-month blitzkrieg in WCW, managing to win the World Television Championship from Arn Anderson. So a lot of fans decided to just go with it, despite being pretty sure that this man was an imposter. A few months after his debut, however, the real Ultimate Warrior started giving interviews in wrestling magazines where he denounced this pretender, this...Warrior-lite. After that, his star plummeted pretty quickly.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.