12 One-Time WWE Pay-Per-Views

10. This Tuesday In Texas (1991)

WWE Great Balls Of Fire

Shows like this make me scoff at these crybabies who nowadays bemoan the current PPV output and how it’s “too much.” “Oh, woe is us, the WWE put out a PPV every two to three weeks and charge a fixed monthly rate of about 10 dollars for all of them! The horror!” How about charging a full-priced PPV and then selling a smaller PPV six days later?

This was the case in 1991, when the WWF began to experiment with the idea of selling PPVs that had fewer stars on them, but came at a lower price. It was also (as the title suggested) an experiment to see if Tuesday was a viable night to sell PPVs.

The small card, which featured Randy Savage’s return to the WWF after his brief retirement earlier in the year as well as Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker for the WWF title (incidentally, this show is notable for being ‘Taker’s first PPV main event), drew only a 1.0 buyrate, and was considered to be a massive failure. It didn’t help that it came only six days after Survivor Series.

So fans were expected to pay more money to watch a PPV with fewer matches on a Tuesday. It was just bad decision making all around. Still though, it was ‘Taker’s first PPV main event, which makes it a fairly significant show.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.