12 Pearls Of Wrestling Wisdom From Raven On Talk Is Jericho

3. 'All That Matters Is Your Match'

Earlier in his career, while wrestling for Oregon-based Pacific Northwest Wrestling, Raven was taken under the wing of the legendary 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. He explains that he was one of Piper's favourites due to his slightly outcast personality, and that Roddy enjoyed teaching those who reminded him a little of himself. A key piece of advice Hotrod gave to Raven was the idea of simply concentrating on your own match, striving to make it the best thing on the card. It's a simple piece of advice, but one that's perhaps easy to forget in the tight-knit atmosphere of a pro wrestling locker room.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.