12 Pearls Of Wrestling Wisdom From Raven On Talk Is Jericho

2. Bookers Shouldn't Listen To Internet Fans

This one's likely to cause a few ructions... Raven doesn't feel that internet fans know how to draw a dime, and explains that if WWE pushed everyone the smarks demand, they'd be in far worse shape. As a specific example, he cites Billy Kidman's WCW push and feud with Hulk Hogan, explaining that it was doomed to fail because the Hulkster only ever knew how to put himself over. Although he has a point that internet-based fans don't understand many of the inner nuances of the business, factors that make a big difference when making booking decisions, he's way off the mark with his follow-up point. He states that internet fans (especially those who feel sufficiently aggrieved to complain about it) make up an insignificant fraction of WWE's overall audience. Clearly he didn't tune in to the 2015 Royal Rumble, or see the #CancelWWENetork hashtag that trended worldwide following Fastlane. In 2015, a great deal of WWE's fanbase are internet-savvy, and they know how to make their voices hear.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.