12 Reasons DX Was Better Than The nWo

4. They Worked Harder

Because WCW was so desperate to land the WWF€™s stars, Eric Bischoff used Ted Turner€™s vast resources to provide guaranteed contracts to their talent. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash got paid a lot more to work a lot less. That meant it was unlikely you€™d see them on WCW house shows. The guys in DX probably got paid less than the top nWo guys because Vince didn€™t have the resources. But in 1997 and 1998, the WWF was so desperate to catch up to (and eventually overtake) WCW in the ratings, that the talent worked beyond what they thought they were capable of. You can accuse Billy Gunn of many things, but laziness isn€™t one of them. Those guys busted their asses night in and night out. There€™s a reason why the term €œNashism€ was coined.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.