12 Reasons Kurt Angle Was Brock Lesnar's Best WWE Feud

4. The WrestleMania 19 Main Event

The highlight of any great feud is the climactic match. That was most certainly the case with Angle and Lesnar, as they put on an absolute classic in the show closer of WrestleMania 19. What's even more impressive about the match is the reality behind it. Angle was going in with a broken neck, and also tore his hamstring very early into the action. Yet he still soldiered on and put on a performance for the ages. The mat wrestling transitions and big suplexes the two beasts exchanged were thrilling. This was the real suplex city. Unfortunately, what's most remembered about the match is Brock's botched shooting star press, which was just another example of how this match had both a surface story and a real story. He very nearly did kill himself when he came crashing down on his head. In the end, Lesnar recovered and hit Kurt with an F5. The match was then over, with the picture perfect story of the new champion hugging it out with the repentant villain. It was and still is a great pro wrestling match. The great thing was, not only had Lesnar got over, but Angle was more over as well. That's the sign of a truly great feud, when both men come out looking like winners. Even in defeat, Angle was more over than he had been before the match.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.