12 Secret Mistakes You Didn't Realise WWE Have Already Made In 2024

8. Not Paying 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin ALL THE MONEY To Return At 'Mania 40

Cody Rhodes The Rock

WrestleMania 40's incredible and utterly wild Night Two main event simply had it all.

Well, almost.

Despite being a match which boasted John Cena, The Rock, and The Undertaker all interfering in the Bloodline Rules madness, the lack of one particular individual during Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns' WWE Championship showdown left some feeling a tiny bit underwhelmed. 

Not enough to ruin the night, of course. But the addition of a certain glass smash and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin in that barmy contest would have made an already fantastic show-closer into a true GOAT contender.

Annoyingly, WWE were actually reportedly in secret talks to bring 'The Texas Rattlesnake' in for the epic Night Two conclusion, too, with the company incredibly fumbling that chance to add some Austin to the night due to them not being able to reach a financial agreement with the icon.

Watching 'The Deadman' chokeslam 'The Final Boss' to hell after the sound of his legendary gong hit was a great substitute, sure. But many were clearly hoping to see 'Stone Cold' in Philly instead.

Can you imagine the sound that would have met Austin and Rocky throwing down one last time before Cody went on to finish his story? 

What could have been, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...