12 Signs WWE Fans Should Never Get Their Own Way

10. Pressure On Steve Austin To Wrestle At WrestleMania 32

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is one of the most popular and memorable stars of the past 20 years. It seems that people still imagine Austin would look and move the same were he to pull on that trademark black ring gear and go to work today. The truth is something very different. Steve Austin hasn't wrestled since the Spring of 2003, and he was in fairly bad physical condition then. Years of working a hard ring style had mounted up on the man, who had a very real (and very scary) dizzy spell in his hotel before facing The Rock on the WrestleMania XIX supercard. A lot of fans have built a situation up in their heads that Austin will wrestle at 'Mania 32, despite the man himself pretty much saying he won't. It'd be very cool to see Stone Cold do his thing in one last match, that can't be denied. However, would the reality be anywhere close to the fantasy? Nobody wants a situation whereby Austin struggles to live up to the hype, but that's likely to be what would occur were he to step foot inside a WWE ring once again. Performing the occasional Stunner is one thing, wrestling a main event quality match is another.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.