12 Signs WWE Fans Should Never Get Their Own Way

9. ECW Should Make A Comeback

It's a real testament to the impact Extreme Championship Wrestling had on the industry that the promotion's initials are still being chanted worldwide. Ever since Paul Heyman's 'little promotion that could' went out of business in 2001, people haven't been able to say goodbye to the hardcore group for good. Even Vince McMahon himself has used the ECW brand to make money. Scouring any number of wrestling-related forums on the internet makes it clear that folks still yearn for that ECW magic. Sadly, as WWE's sorry incarnation of the brand proved, it's time ECW was allowed to live on through old footage of when the company was actually special. Continual reprising of the ECW name makes it feel tired, and insults the incendiary product of before. If WWE were to bring back ECW, just what would it be? When McMahon announced that the TV show called ECW, overseen by WWE, was ending in 2010, few were sad to see it go. The product was nothing like the original company anyway, so it made no sense to call it ECW. There's little reason to imagine that wouldn't happen again at some point in the future.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.