12 Signs WWE Fans Should Never Get Their Own Way

7. Fans Chant 'Boring' During Character Developing Promos

It's been said that Vince McMahon has lost touch with what his audience wants to see. Like with many of the arguments on this list, there's merit to that point. McMahon's comments regarding Cesaro on the Steve Austin podcast were terribly ill-advised, and make the Swiss wrestler feel like his head had just bumped the glass ceiling. That's not smart, because everyone on the roster should be told they belong. McMahon's point was that talent need to do more to get recognised. Unfortunately, fans have a role in this development too. Constantly chanting 'boring' during promos doesn't help anybody. It's understandable that people want to see wrestling when they attend a show, but surely it's acceptable that a top heel like Seth Rollins will have some in-ring promo time on an episode of Raw? Heckling the performer with mindless cat calls does nothing to solve any problems people may have. If there's one thing Seth Rollins certainly isn't, it's boring. Such in-ring diatribes are designed to try and flex the man's verbal muscles, he's learning how to be a top guy. There's nothing wrong with that, and chanting 'boring' in his direction is pretty insulting and regressive.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.