12 Ups & 1 Down From Impact Wrestling (May 26)

1. Cinematic Wrestling > 'Normal' Wrestling

The Boneyard Match. The Firefly Fun House Match. The Stadium Stampede Match.

What all these matches had in common was that they were different to the quote on quote 'normal' wrestling that consumed the rest of the shows they featured on. During a time like this, that sort of over the top action is very much required and appreciated to take our minds off things, which is why the biggest Up from this week's Impact Wrestling has to go to The North, Cody Deaner, and Wheels, who was the biggest beefiest boy you've ever seen. Their World Tag Team Championships brawl at the Deaner Compound was all sorts of lovely.

From bell to bell, there was weird spot after weird spot, with the entire Compound used to its full extent. Cody Deaner was both double powerbombed out of a pickup truck into the remainder of the Deaner family and tombstoned on top of a truck. Wheels was sent crashing through a wooden fence. Josh Alexander took a chokeslam on a car roof that shattered the glass windows. Ethan Page took a 619 from the referee. Needless to say, it was a sensational match.

In the end, the Canadian referee who has been seen in The North's previous title matches with 'Canada's best' low blowed Wheels to give a win to 'All Ego' and 'The Walking Weapon'. Not quite the high-octane ending that would have been easy to predict given the rest of the bout's action, however, an outstanding performance from all four competitors.

These sorts of matches always get their fair share of critics, but if they're successful in reminding us that wrestling is all about having fun, then it's thumbs up all around.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.