12 Ups & 1 Down From Impact Wrestling (May 26)


12. A Nice Touch

A brief mention here, but it's definitely something worth pointing out. This week's broadcast was in memory of both Shad Gaspard and Hana Kimura, both of whom sadly passed away in the last few days,

Neither name actually ever appeared for Impact throughout their careers, but it just goes to show just closely knit the wrestling community truly is that their unfortunate deaths can be mentioned at the top of the episode. Both of their passings were met with outpours of love on social media once news broke, but people still need to realise just how much their words can affect someone, especially in the case of Hana.

Rest in peace, Shad and Hana.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.