12 Ways Famous Wrestling Streaks Ended

2. Hulk Hogan Defeats Andre The Giant €“ WrestleMania 3

Bruno Sammartino was WWWF Champion for 2,803 days (more than John Cena, Steve Austin, The Rock, and The Undertaker€™s total reigns combined). Lou Thesz held the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for 3,749 days over three reigns. Andre the Giant was undefeated for fifteen years. Sure, I€™m drinking the WWE Kool-Aid and just going with what they tell me, but you know what? It€™s more fun that way. Sure, Andre may have lost a few matches here and there overseas and on shows no one saw, but as far as my childhood is concerned, the 8th Wonder of the World was undefeated for fifteen damn years. That was the setup for WrestleMania 3 when Andre turned on Hulk Hogan and challenged him for the WWF Championship. If fudging the truth to get 93,000 people into a building to watch wrestling is a crime, lock me up and throw away the key. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant will always be known as one of wrestling€™s greatest matches. In real life, Hogan claims to have not known whether or not Andre was going to put him over until the last possible minute. What transpired was one of the most iconic images in all of wrestling lore. Hogan body slammed the 7€™5€, 500 lb. giant, dropped the leg, and made history; ending Andre€™s streak to keep WWE afloat for the next several decades.
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Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.