12 Ways WWE Can Still #FreeWrestleMania From Sucking

3. Keep Us In The Dark

There are many questionable things about the Hell In A Cell match with Shane McMahon versus the Undertaker. For one thing, there's no way in hell that the man should go over the Dead Man. However, the angle goes nowhere if Shane doesn't win, and the Cell is a no-disqualification gimmick, so a non-finish won't work. Even at fifty-one years old, the Undertaker should never lose to a middle-aged Shane bloody McMahon at WrestleMania. In fact, the Undertaker shouldn't be losing to a young Shane McMahon on Main Event. The Undertaker character, as it stands today, is a mythological creature in the shape of a wrestler, a giant in more ways than one. Shane's not a wrestler, and he never has been. A few daredevil high spots here and there when he was younger don't make him one, and some of us still remember his casual burial of The Legacy in 2009: the boss' non-wrestling son, taking out three proper next generation wrestlers at once, all bigger, tougher and younger than him. Being 'scrappy' doesn't make him the equal of a WWE Superstar, and if those lame-ass punches and meandering, heatless promos are anything to go by, Shane O' Mac has gotten worse as a performer in his absence, not better. Since it makes no sense for either man to win, there's almost certain to be some form of interference, and probably a swerve. Could we see the appearance of Sting in his second straight WrestleMania, interfering to set up Sting versus Undertaker at some point? It's not the worst idea in the world... unless the rumours are true, and Sting is afflicted with cervical spinal stenosis, in which case it's a terrible idea and forget I mentioned it. Fundamentally, for the first time in a long while I have absolutely no idea how an angle will pan out. For me, that's one of the only draws for this show as it stands: I'm genuinely curious as to what on earth they've got planned. That being the case, they need to keep it that way until the night: no teasing or telegraphing the possible finish. If being kept in the dark is keeping the angle interesting, then that's their hook.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.