12 Ways WWE Can Still #FreeWrestleMania From Sucking

2. If/Then: They Do What's Expected In The Main Event

If they play it safe and stick to Lesnar versus Ambrose and Triple H versus Roman Reigns, then they'll need to come up with a creative finish, or their main event is screwed... and if the WrestleMania main event gets screwed, the whole thing goes to hell. Part of the problem in calling the finish is that there are two schools of thought here. One says that this is still the long route to trying to get Reigns over as a babyface champion, and that this will be their goal on the big night. The problem with that is that the Authority's bigger half is one of the meanest heels on the roster except when he's facing Roman Reigns, when he's inexplicably a babyface. Ignoring that dynamic and having Reigns beat the Game clean could easily result in Reigns being booed out of the building to end the card. The other school of thought runs that Triple H is playing office politics again. Either he's machinating against Reigns to sabotage his push in order to ruin Vince's golden boy and clear the way for his own NXT kids, or he's desperate to main event WrestleMania one last time. The former is in the realms of conspiracy theory, while the latter... well. Let's hope it's not that petty. If they're dead set on Reigns going over, then the best thing to do might be to turn him heel against Triple H, who's almost certain to be working as a babyface again (because he's working Reigns). Alternatively, a Seth Rollins return and a Shield reunion to triple powerbomb the Game out of his boots would be a crowdpleaser and almost guaranteed to send everyone home happy... but Rollins is likely to have months of rehabilitation ahead of him yet.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.