12 WrestleMania 32 Worries For Smart Marks

1. Roman Principles

This is it. The climax of the Roman versus authority story line. The Samoan tough guy versus the king of kings at the show of shows. If only it was wanted. If only it was asked for. But is it only happening because of the resistance it faced?

Roman has been protected from active competition at times and yet has oddly dominated every scrap of WWE coverage, commentary and marketing. But being a smart mark means you can make an informed decision. That protection may be why no smart mark would ever choose Roman over Ambrose, Lesnar, Dolph, Owens or even the alleged Heel he's facing at mania.

It kind of feels like Smarks and Vince are both fighting to get fans to like the show. Fiction fans will agree that this standoff is absolutely crazy to witness and would never happen in any other medium. It feels like Roman is Vince€™s one last round in the chamber and WrestleMania 32 is basically the Alamo. I don€™t think anybody wants to crush an old man€™s dream. They just want a reason to like it. It€™s the principle of the thing.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.