12 WWE Criticisms That Split The Wrestling Audience

3. Part-Time Headliners

Currently, there aren't too many genuine draws on the WWE roster. Exploring the ranks, the likes of Brock Lesnar, John Cena and The Undertaker are perhaps the only ones who can be expected to make a major difference to ratings. That's worrying, because 3 top stars isn't enough to carry things. Worse yet, 2 of those men aren't on the road full time. Both Lesnar and Undertaker only pop up occasionally, and mainly to fight one another, at the moment. That's unlikely to change, given 'Taker's advanced age and Lesnar's deal with the company, which is dependent on a limited number of dates. Some watching have a major problem with this, because it's hard to put full focus on others such as Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns when the big part-time stars aren't around. There's an argument to be made that WWE are smart by having these guys in reserve. On one hand, they are, because it helps spike ratings when things are desperate. On top of that, marquee matches like The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar can drum up excitement for Pay-Per-View shows. Unfortunately, there are those fans that just can't get over the idea of only seeing them a handful of times each year.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.