12 WWE Criticisms That Split The Wrestling Audience

4. Over-Scripting Of WWE Promo Material

Wrestling legends like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Mick Foley did a lot of talking during their respective WWE careers. Promos played a huge part in establishing their characters and individual identity with the core fan base. It's impossible to imagine Austin being as successful if he felt detached from what his character was saying on television. That's where many WWE stars find themselves now. Scripting has become extremely prevalent in the promotion. More often than not, it's obvious to see when watching a typical episode of Monday Night Raw. The lines are hollow, and there's no real individual personality bursting through from either in-ring or backstage promo segments. The more talented on the roster are able to side step this, but it doesn't create an atmosphere which helps encourage creativity. On one hand, it's understandable that WWE's creative team would want to manage exactly what their performers say. After all, there are corporate sponsors to be appeased and storylines to be developed. However, there's a disconnect there. When Steve Austin cut promos on Vince McMahon, there was passion in his words. It's becoming more and more rare to see that now, which a lot of older fans have a problem with.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.