13 Greatest Wrestling Trios Ever

6. Demolition

There was no team in late 1980s WWE more dominant than Demolition. For the better part of three years, Ax and Smash demolished the competition, reigning atop the company's tag team division as champions. They regularly defeated the likes of the Hart Foundation, the Brain Busters, the British Bulldogs and the Powers of Pain. Their ability to beat down and punish their opponents made them fan favorites, despite an outward appearance that was better suited to villains. By 1990, though, Ax's in-ring days were winding down. Health issues made him a liability for Vince McMahon's company and the decision was made to replace him. Not completely, mind you, but replace him nonetheless. Crush arrived in the company in 1990 and instantly began filling in for Ax, partnering with Smash as the team returned to their rule breaking ways. Determined to maintain their dominance over the competition, the team pulled out all stops while underhandedly retaining their titles. They switched, interfered and cheated their way to win after win, turning the fans against them. That all came to an end at the 1990 SummerSlam event, when the Hart Foundation benefited from the arrival of the Legion of Doom and knocked the trio off for the tag titles. By the time the new year rolled around, the Demolition that fans had known was gone. Ax departed the company, leaving Crush and Smash to make up a team that paled in comparison to the original.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.