13 Ups & 6 Downs From AEW Dynamite (Nov 27)
5. The Dark Order's Rebranding Continues
We wrote last week that AEW somehow turning the Dark Order's struggling act around would be one of their biggest booking triumphs in 2019. They definitely seem to be on that path, with Dynamite presenting another well-crafted vignette to continue Evil Uno and Grayson's reinvention as a full-on cult.
A lost soul found his way into what was effectively a Dark Order convention meeting after taking the details from a poster. An indoctrination speech similar to last week's followed, with the orator appealing to those failed by society and failed by their friends, with Grayson stood on the sidelines, looking all sinister.
"We are one," the brainwashed group said, raising their hands, Creeper masks on their faces.
Going down this route is such a no-brainer that it's surprising AEW didn't attempt it earlier. Still, fair play for giving the original Dark Order act time to succeed or fail on merit, and fair play for them turning it around here.