13 Worst Botches In WWE History

4. Brock Lesnar Botches The Shooting Star Press

One of the more famous botches on this list occurred at Wrestlemania XIX in 2003, in one of pro wrestling€™s all time dream matches €“ Brock Lesnar versus Kurt Angle. The bout was set to be an absolutely phenomenal turn to cap a fantastic feud between the two, which had kicked off when Lesnar won the Royal Rumble in January of that year, last eliminating the Undertaker. This was an extraordinarily heated match between two of professional wrestling€™s legitimate all time greats, who also happened to be two legit hard, intense men with proper amateur wrestling and martial arts backgrounds. Both had been called prodigies in regard to the phenomenal speed and ability they€™d displayed in transitioning from real fighting to pro wrestling. But this was it €“ the title match to blow the feud off, on the grandest stage of them all. When Lesnar climbed the turnbuckle, the crowd was confused. Lesnar was a bona fide monster, not a high flyer. Not everyone was aware that the shooting star press had been an occasional part of Lesnar€™s moveset back in his developmental days in OVW. Now, the shooting star press is a fantastic aerial move requiring significant agility and timing to perform correctly, as well as safely. Lesnar had performed the move well in times past. Unfortunately for the audience and for Lesnar, on this occasion he botched it and landed on his head, as you can see above. Fortunately for Lesnar, the inevitable concussion didn€™t affect him too badly €“ he was able to finish the match as planned, with an F-5 to Angle to take the title.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.