13 Worst WCW Botches

4. The Giant And The Jacknife

Ever since Hogan scoop slammed Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania 3, there€™s been excessive interest in giants being lifted off their feet, and Paul €˜Big Show€™ Wight (called the Giant in WCW) is no exception. In 1997, at Superbrawl 7 in a tag match between the Giant, Lex Luger and the Outsiders, Kevin Nash would successfully perform the jacknife powerbomb on the Giant, getting a pop from the crowd arguably bigger than the match€™s finish. A year later, it would be Nash versus the Giant once more €“ this time in a singles match, as Scott Hall had his own match on the card. Nash would be concerned about attempting the jacknife powerbomb again: he€™d suffered a knee injury, and his base was less stable. Added to that, Wight had put on a little weight since Superbrawl 7, something that would be a recurring factor in his career over the next two decades. It turned out that Nash was right to be concerned: the move was violently botched. Nash managed to get Wight up, and the knee didn€™t buckle, but the Giant€™s expected sit-up went wrong and he was unceremoniously dumped on his head. Nash would cover for the win, as per the plan.
Sometimes it€™s difficult for those of us not actually in the industry to determine who might have contributed towards a botched move: that€™s true in this case. Is Nash to blame for not pulling it off? Wight, for not going up for it properly? It€™s far too hard to say. One thing seems clear: it was a terrible idea, which had the potential to do lasting harm to Wight.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.