13 Worst WCW Botches

3. The Kick Heard Around The World

Starrcade 1999 took place on December 19th, a day that lives in professional wrestling history: it€™s the day that Goldberg delivered a stiff thrust kick that gave Bret €˜The Hitman€™ Hart the concussion that would end his career:
€œI felt like someone chopped me with a hockey stick, an agonizing blow that sent me crashing to the mat where I lay holding my neck just behind my right ear at the base of my skull.€ Pitted against one another in a €˜no disqualification€™ match for Hart€™s WCW world heavyweight championship, Hart continued to work the match as laid out, picking up the victory. It wasn€™t until weeks later when he was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome €“ and months later when he was told he€™d never wrestle again. He relinquished the championship the month after Starrcade, and aside from a few television appearances to cut promos, was officially done with WCW. Hart has, from all appearances, forgiven Goldberg for being the man who inadvertently put him on the shelf, and has finally made peace with the abrupt finish to his stellar career. Good for him.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.