14 Times John Cena Lost Clean

12. Triple H (Night Of Champions 2008)

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Two years prior to Night of Champions 2008, Triple H had helped elevate John Cena further by losing cleanly to him in the main event of WrestleMania 22. The submission win was massive for Cena, but he was always going to have to repay the favour somewhere down the line.

At Night of Champions, 'The Game' called on Cena to lay down for him following a Pedigree. WWE's photographers brilliantly captured the moment John was about to bump from the move, and it's clear to see the dawning realisation in Cena's eyes that his debt to Triple H was about to be paid.

You weren't getting away with that one forever, John. Sooner or later, Triple H was going to get his win back, but at least it came at the end of a pretty under-rated match. Honestly, if there are any fans out there who skipped this one, put that right and give it a watch. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how close it comes to WrestleMania 22's quality.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.