15 Best WWE Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Ziggler Cashes In - Raw April 8th 2013

The post-WrestleMania Raw has developed a reputation in recent years for being unpredictable and sometimes even more exciting and eventful than the Showcase of the Immortals itself. Surprise returns, epic matches and strange crowd reactions have made the show a must-watch for WWE fans. One of the greatest post-WresleMania Raw moments was Dolph Ziggler's cash-in on Alberto Del Rio in 2013. When the Show Off's music hit, the roof just about came off of the arena. It was surprising because Ziggler had been on the losing end of a Tag Team Championship match the previous night. Nobody saw it coming. Ziggler, who was a heel, got a total babyface reaction when he Zig-Zagged and pinned Del Rio. A lot of people had hoped that this would be the beginning of a great run for a face Dolph Ziggler but he unfortunately suffered a concussion early into his reign and lost it in his first title defence. Still, it was an epic moment and probably the peak of Dolph's WWE career. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRpdVFXRshQ

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...