15 Best WWE Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

8. End Of An Era - WrestleMania XXVIII

Just because Shawn Michaels had retired from in-ring competition didn't mean that he wasn't going to show up in WWE and throw a Sweet Chin Music or two every now and again. Nobody completely stays away from the spotlight after they retire and Michaels is no exception. Shawn played a significant part in the Triple H versus The Undertaker Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania XXVIII. The match was an absolute war, with The Game and The Dead Man just beating the ever-loving s*** out of each other before a frenzied crowd. HBK got involved, too, obviously, hitting 'Taker with a Sweet Chin Music and providing plenty of other theatrics. The match was bittersweet. It was an awesome spectacle, the match of the night (if not the year) and Triple H and The Undertaker proved they were still two of the absolute best. But there was also a feeling that this was the last time that we would see the two square off. When 'Taker, HBK and HHH shared a manly embrace at the top of the ramp after the match there was a definite sense that it was the end of an era. As it was, it was a great match and a great moment, one of the best of the decade (so far).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...