15 Best WWE Smackdown Matches Ever

7. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy - June 5, 2003

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbnyqw_smackdown-05-06-2003-matt-hardy-vs_sport Despite only being with the WWE for only a year, Rey Mysterio had become an immensely popular star by June of 2003. At that year€™s WrestleMania XIX, Mysterio was unsuccessful in his quest to become the Cruiserweight Champion. Matt Hardy, in the midst of his Version 1 gimmick, had been able to controversial retain his title thanks to the help of his MF€™er, Shannon Moore. On the June 5th episode of Smackdown, Hardy was forced to once again defend the Cruiserweight strap against Mysterio, following Rey€™s victory over Moore and Crash Holly on May 22nd. The match was sure to be a great one, but it also became a historic contest. Following a hard-fought battle, Mysterio overcame the odds and pinned the leader of Mattitude via a rollup. Rey captured his first Cruiserweight crown since entering the WWE. Furthermore, the match was the only instance of Smackdown being main-evented by a Cruiserweight Championship match. Both Mysterio and Hardy had done the unthinkable, and that was closed the show. Cruiserweights were frequently viewed as an exciting aspect of the show, but by no means the focus. The feud between Rey and Matt had stolen the attention of the audience, and WWE wisely put the championship match on last. The contest met and exceeded all expectations, becoming one of WWE€™s best cruiserweight matches.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.