15 Best WWE Smackdown Matches Ever

8. CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy - August 28, 2009

CM Punk had been a popular if slightly bland superstar while he was a part of the ECW brand. However, upon his transition to Smackdown, Punk reinvented himself as a cult-like leader. Along with his Straight Edge Society, Punk preached the benefits of maintaining a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. Fittingly, Jeff Hardy became the target for Punk€™s wrath and hatred. To end their feud, Punk defended his World Heavyweight Championship against the Charismatic Enigma in a steel cage match. However, there was an added stipulation which stated that the loser of the contest would be forced to leave the Smackdown brand. Obviously, a great deal was at stake in the bout, and both men were determined to leave with a win. Punk quickly gained the upper hand, as he attacked Hardy before the match officially began. Despite Punk€™s onslaught of offense, when the match finally entered the cage, Hardy was able to turn the tables. However, it seemed that no matter how hard Jeff tried and no matter what he hit Punk with, he just couldn€™t score a pinfall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VijDqQK2RrY With the fans solidly behind him, Jeff attempted to escape the cage. Unfortunately for him, he was stopped by Punk and devastating superplex. The impact of the move would prove too much for Hardy, as Punk regained his composure and scaled the cage. Jeff tried to pull the Straight Edge Superstar back in but was unable to do so. CM Punk had escaped the cage and retained his World Heavyweight Championship. He also sent Jeff Hardy packing from Smackdown in the process.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.