15 Best WWE Smackdown Matches Ever

5. Triple H vs. The Rock - August 26, 1999

The first main event in the Smackdown series€™ history -- not including the pilot episode -- was a major happening. The Federation wanted to quickly prove that Smackdown was a show to watch, and more importantly, not miss. As a result, Triple H was forced to defend his World Wrestling Federation Championship against The Rock, just days after winning it for the first time. At 1999€™s SummerSlam pay-per-view, Stone Cold Steve Austin lost the belt to Mankind during a Triple-Threat match which also featured Helmsley. The next night on Raw, Foley lost the gold to Triple H -- this was the first WWF Championship win for Hunter. However, the Game€™s first title run would get off to a rocky start, as he would defend the match in a grueling contest on that Thursday€™s episode of Smackdown. The deck seemed to be stacked against Triple H, as his ex-best friend, Shawn Michaels, was to be the special guest referee. The Game and The Rock dueled it out inside the ring, and Triple H did his best to hold on to his coveted title. Despite attempted interference by Shane McMahon and Chyna, The Rock appeared poised to pull out the victory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5j3HZFB004 Following a Rock Bottom, the self-professed People€™s Champion hit the ropes. As he attempted to hit his patented People€™s Elbow, The Rock was suddenly knocked to the ground. The Heartbreak Kid landed a picture-perfect Sweet Chin Music on the Great One. Helmsley slowly rose to his feet and hit The Rock with a Pedigree to seal the deal. Triple H was going to be a dominating WWF Champion -- even if he had a little help from some friends along the way.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.