15 Best WWE Smackdown Matches Ever

3. Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero - September 26, 2002

Smackdown had become a prolific show by 2002, even defeating Monday Night Raw in the ratings on a number of occasions. Following the WWE€™s brand split, both Raw and Smackdown were viewed as separate entities, with their own unique rosters and storylines. Behind the scenes, Smackdown€™s General Manager, Paul Heyman was in charge of the blue brand€™s creative direction. In typical Heyman fashion, he quickly looked ahead and began developing WWE€™s stars of the future. Two of those anointed Smackdown competitors were Eddie Guerrero and Edge. Both had been strong midcard stars in the years prior. However, under the tutelage of Heyman, both men would come into their own, as they never had before. Guerrero was a hated heel, who would go on to lie, cheat, and steal his way to the top of the card in the years following. Meanwhile, Edge was a former World Tag Team Champion who had begun to build a loyal following on his own. Throughout the months of August and September of €˜02, Edge and Guerrero became embroiled in a heated rivalry. The two competitors put on phenomenal matches at that year€™s SummerSlam and Unforgiven PPVs, but it was on an episode of Smackdown where the two truly shined. On September 26th, the feud came to a head in a No Disqualification contest. The match saw Latino Heat and Edge do battle both inside the ring and out, frequently employing the use of ladders. According to Edge -- on his €œYou Think You Know Me€ DVD -- a particularly un-noteworthy spot from this match was the impetus for his debilitating neck injury and subsequent year away from competition, although he continued to wrestle until February of the next year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPasZ90HRog The end of the match saw both men perched high atop a ladder that was erected in the corner of the ring. With Guerrero balanced on the top rope, Edge hooked his opponent before diving off the ladder and delivering an Edgecution DDT. The up-and-coming superstar pinned Latino Heat to end the rivalry and one of Smackdown€™s greatest encounters.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.