15 Bizarre Wrestling Gimmicks You Won't Believe Happened More Than Once
4. Condescending Fitness Instructor
The Bodydonnas may have been obnoxious, but they were actually a step up for WWE's fat-shaming heels. Think about it: before Skip and Sunny arrived, the only advice overweight wrestling fans got was to shut up when Rick Rude was gyrating. At least these horrible people had the stated goal of improving fans' health, even if they were transparently more interested in childish bullying. Skip, Zip, and Sunny were a pretty visible part of the tag scene in the mid-90's, until someone figured out that it was most important that SUNNY be visible. This character didn't make a comeback until 2005, when WWE signed ECW's Nova, realized they'd already ripped his gimmick off and ran it into the ground via the Hurricane, and rechristened him Simon Dean. Dean, and his eponymous Simon System, were a fixture of SmackDown and Velocity for nearly two years. Neither Dean nor the Bodydonnas ultimately proved able to cause lasting weight loss in wrestling fans. To date, only two wrestling health plans have proven effective: DDP Yoga, and, of course, the Buddy Rose Blowaway Diet.