15 Edge And Christian WWE Moments That Totally Reeked Of Awesomeness

6. Los Conquistadores

The feud with Matt and Jeff Hardy continued after SummerSlam 2000. The two teams had an underrated cage match at Unforgiven the next month and then another ladder match the evening after (which neither team was happy about, since they were both still sore from their cage war). The ladder match had a stipulation that if Edge and Christian lost they could never challenge for the Tag Team Championships again, so long as the Hardy Boys held them. Of course, losing that match wasn't going to stop them from trying to win back the gold and they devised a scheme to get past the stips. They would work as Los Conquistadores, two gold jumpsuit-wearing 'luchadores' named 'Uno' and 'Dos'. The Conquistadores were a team during the 1980s, although they never achieved much success and were essentially glorified jobbers. Edge and Christian were typically on-point in during this ruse, even going so far as to engage with another two Conquistadores on-camera, to 'prove' that it couldn't possibly be them (even though they wrestled and acted exactly like Edge and Christian). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhn-0rq5INo

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...