15 Edge And Christian WWE Moments That Totally Reeked Of Awesomeness

8. Kazoos

Speaking of hilarious nonsense, it's time to talk about kazoos and streamers. During a birthday party held by Triple H for Stephanie McMahon, our favourite Canadians busted out the party hats, streamers and kazoos. Not content with just looking like dorks that way, they proceeded to play their own entrance music on the plastic pipe. After a frustrated Cerebral Assassin told them to shut the hell up, they inferred that to mean that he was just upset because they hadn't played his music, and then treated him to a rendition of 'My Time'. Later in the show, in an effort to cheer Kurt Angle up they played his theme music, too. It became a running theme and every now and then they would break out the kazoos to cover Jim Johnstons hits. Christian noted during the Steve Austin Show podcast that he wished he would have just went out and bought a two buck kazoo instead of spending thousands of dollars on elaborate ring gear and clothes. Sometimes it really is the simplest thing which is most effective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiaICoPqZfE

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...