15 Greatest WCW Tag Teams Of All Time

13. The Natural Born Thrillers

As well as giving pushes to previously underused talents like Kidman and Mysterio, WCW also decided that they could use their training facility, The Power Plant, as a resource for cheap, hungry talent. Two of the best to come out of the Power Plant were Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo. O'Haire, in particular, was viewed as a big prospect: he was a big, jacked guy with a great look who could fly through the air with the ease of the smallest cruiserweight. The two wrestlers were one of the few highlights of the dying days of WCW. O'Haire originally teamed up with another Power Plant graduate, Mark Jindrak. That team found some success but they didn't click as well in the ring as O'Haire and Palumbo. They were all initially in the same stable (along with Shawn Stasiak) called The Natural Born Thrillers but they disbanded pretty quickly. Palumbo and O'Haire were thrown in at the deep end in 2001, feuding with the likes of The Insiders (Kevin Nash & DDP) and Totally Buffed (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell). They were in the middle of a feud with Team Canada (Lance Storm and, er, Mike Awesome) when WCW was purchased by the WWF. When the Invasion began, most assumed that O'Haire and Palumbo would be a big part of it. They clearly had a lot of raw potential but, when they got to the WWE, it was declared by the veterans backstage that they 'didn't know how to work'. O'Haire was sent to OVW and Palumbo floundered on the B shows. What a waste.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...