15 Greatest WCW Tag Teams Of All Time

12. Pretty Wonderful

Pretty Wonderful. What a great name for a tag team. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorf and Pretty Paul Roma never made any major waves as a team but they were a constant feature of WCW television from 93-95 and were usually good for a decent, if unspectacular match. Paul Roma might not have made many friends with his cocky attitude backstage but he could work and he and Orndorf complimented each other in the ring. They had a good student/mentor thing going on and had worthwhile undercard matches with teams Marcus Bagwell & 2 Cold Scorpio, The Nasty Boys and Kevin Sullivan & Cactus Jack. The two-time Tag Team Champions disbanded after losing the belts the second time, going their separate ways. Roma plummeted down the card when out on his own, being used as a glorified jobber while Orndorf retired due to injury. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkyGvP8yq1k

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...