15 Most Shocking WrestleMania Moments Of All Time

9. Edge And Mick Foley Go Through A Flaming Table at WrestleMania 22

How ironic is that in the year when the WWE resurrected ECW, the most hardcore moment of the year would actually happen at WrestleMania? Towards the end of the Edge vs. Mick Foley hardcore match at WrestleMania 22, Edge's valet Lita brought out a table. Obviously, somebody was going to go through it. The match to that point had been pretty brutal, with thumbtacks and barbed wire. What happened next had never been done in WWE to that point. Lita grabbed lighter fluid, doused it on the table, then lit the table on fire! Surely this was just a tease, right? There's no way anybody in the WWE would actually go through a flaming table, right? Unbelievably, Edge speared Mick Foley through the ropes, and both men ended up going through the table. They were quickly extinguished, but the damage was done. Edge won the match, and a lot of people's respect for being hardcore.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.