15 Most Unusual Ways To Win A WWE Title

15. Being Awarded One

Of all the unusual ways to win a championship, the act of simply being awarded one has got to be one of the easiest, as it requires no actual effort by whoever it is that ends up with the belt. There have been several awarding of championships in the past, but the most notable has to be when Triple H was handed the World Heavyweight Championship back in 2002. Following the Invasion storyline, WWE had twice the wrestlers it used to, and had to split it's roster into two. Initially the Undisputed Championship was shared between the Raw & Smackdown brands, but eventually a deal between Brock Lesnar & Smackdown GM Stephanie McMahon made the title Smackdown exclusive. Raw was left without a major championship as a result. To solve the problem, the 'Big Gold Belt' was resurrected, and was to be named the World Heavyweight Championship, the Raw equivalent of the WWE title. Rather than having a grand tournament, battle royal, or you know, some kind of match to recognise the significance of the new title, Triple H was simply named as the World Heavyweight Champion by Raw GM Eric Bischoff. Whilst Triple H was a big name, and it was ultimately a ploy for some massive heel heat, there's much better ways to kickstart a new championship.
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