15 Most WTF Moments In WWE SummerSlam History

2. Mean Gene Says "F*** It" Live On The Air (1989)

Not just a certifiable SummerSlam WTF moment, but one of the most memorable botches in wrestling history...and it didn't even take place in the ring. Just as Mean Gene Okerlund is about to interview Rick Rude and and Bobby Heenan backstage, the SummerSlam sign falls off the wall, giving Gene enough of a fright to forget himself and shout, "F*** it!".

Vince McMahon can also be heard saying "Nice move" in the background.

The footage quickly cuts back to the arena as Jesse Ventura says that someone must be "chasing him down", and that he's glad someone caused Gene some trouble, because according to Ventura that's all he causes himself.

When recently interviewed about the incident, Okerlund said that the blooper tape was aired by accident and another version had in fact been filmed. Though the WWE occasionally shows a heavily censored version of the clip, here's the real, uncut deal.

One can only imagine what it must've been like to see this live. No doubt many viewers choked on their dinner that night...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.